About Health House

Health house is a university of Pretoria, health sciences faculty student board. Unique in many ways, health house is one of few student faculty houses defined by and composed of individual sub-houses. Health house is made up of 9 subhouses i.e, Pulse(medicine), Nursing, BCMP,Dentistry,Physio, Dietetics, Radiography and sport science.Each of these subhouses represent their specific dehree programes with the chair of each sub house standing on what is reffered to as the health house board.

Running for almost its 7th year, the heath houseboard aims to act as an umbrella body and way of linking the different subhouses and students of the faculty.The goal of Health House and each subhouse is to open a channel of communication between students, lecturers, and faculty administration, while maintaining the responsibility of the student board and a standard of excellence. 

With this being acknowledged, unifying a faculty is o easy task and certaininly not one that can be achieved overnight, however it all starts somewhere. over the years , the health house board has made a great amount of effort towards estalising platforms of intergration between the various subhouse committees as well as the borader student faculty houses at the university. This has been accomplished by hosting an annual health house camp for all executive members of the 9 sub houses as well as embarking on the camp held by the department of student affairs for all student faculty houses.

As a health house board and students of the faculty of health sciences, we feel that unity and a cohesive networking platform on all levels of cultural, social and racial backgrounds, is imperative for the success of not only our academics, but as future practioners as well.As students in our faculty with soo much in common we often pass each other in the corridors, sit next to each other in the cafeteria or even stand around the same bed treating the same patient, making the need to interact soo much more valuable. Building this ideal culture of mutual respect takes a long time, but with our commitment as future practioners to the care of others, now is the time to join hands and foster these ties for a better, healthy and successful journey in our faculty and beyond.

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